Thursday 25 February 2010

Election Results

Thanks to everyone who came to the elections. I feel it was success overall, and the voting was certainly very close for all positions. The new exec are as follows:

  • Vice President and Corporate Relations : Jean-Baptiste Garnier and Saad Rehman
  • General Secretary: Kate Gilmartin
  • Treasurer: Chris Thompson
  • PR and Marketing Officer: Kalle Antniemi
  • Technology Officer: Ash Morris and Sam Davis

Thanks again for the support of those who showed up. Now its our job to get planning on bringing you the best events possible!


Tuesday 23 February 2010


With numbers growing rapidly, it's come time to elect an exec! The elections will be held this Wednesday at 6pm, Learning Zone pod 9. The roles available are:

  • Vice President and Corporate relations - it'll be your job to work with the president in establishing networks with consultancy firms, organising events, and supporting the president in managing the society.

  • Secretary - you'll be responsible for the administration of the society - minute-taking at committee meetings, taking care of information, and ensuring successful operation of the society.

  • Treasurer- you will take charge of all the financial activity of the society, involving event budgets and payments made by or to our society.

  • Public Relations and Marketing - you will be responsible for the marketing of events and raising awareness of the society within the university. Ideally any candidate will be creative and proficient in photoshop.

  • Technology Officer- you will be responsible for the digital side of the society, developing and managing the website, and helping PR through web marketing. Ideally any candidate will be proficient in HTML. Other programming languages necessary for developing a professional website will also be beneficial.

If you think you'll be interested in joining the society, then come along and apply. We need hard working individuals who will be willing to dedicate themselves to the society over the next year. You'll be required to give a quick speech and then the members will vote. I look forward to seeing you then!


Monday 15 February 2010

We Need You!

In order to set up this society and provide all the brilliant benefits described in the post below, we need at least 20 people to be interested. If you want to join the society for FREE then just send your name and purple card number to

The more people the better. Lets work together to improve Lancaster University's reputation in the industry, and make employers realise the valuable skills our graduates can provide to any company!

The society will hold exec elections on week 7 and hopefully by week 8 we'll be able to start organising events!

I hope to see you all then.

Our Aims

The aim of the Consulting Society is to provide a gateway to one of the most highly sought-after careers post graduation. Here are just a few reasons why consulting is popular:
  • It provides the opportunity to face challenging, fulfilling, and impactful work in the world’s largest companies.
  • Great compensation. Starting salary for a junior consultant is anywhere from £30k-£40k depending on the firm. That’s excluding and benefits and a sign on bonus. This year Accenture were offering a £10k sign on bonus.
  • World-class training on leadership, management and engagement, and personal development. Certain firms will even pay to send you to the top business schools in the world.
  • Great career trajectory. Consultants work with the world's top companies leading to great relationships and extensive knowledge on different industries. The training provided set up consultants with the experience and network to start graduate schools or embark on exciting new careers. McKinsey, the global management consultancy firm, is known to many as the CEO factory, and Forbes calls it the best launch pad into top executive positions for the world’s largest companies.
  • Other benefits also consist of wide variety of projects, intellectual stimulation, the chance to work for industry leading clients, exposure to wide array of industries and functions and global travel opportunities.

Moreover, consulting is not specific to options or degrees. Whether you are an Economics major or an English Literature Major, you still have the opportunity. Here are just some of the benefits we hope to give members:

  • The chance to learn more about consulting.
  • The opportunity to develop transferable skills and build up your resume and interviewing skills and receive one-on-one feedback from consultants.
  • Meeting with the right consultants to build meaningful relationships in numerous networking events and socials.
  • Developing the right skills with the right tools and receive the right preparation to interview and get jobs with the top consulting firms.
  • Internship opportunities through concoctions to the industry.
  • A developed network of students applying for positions to practice case and behavioural interviews.
  • Learn and understand how to incorporate your knowledge in a business context.
  • And a bit of FUN!

Of course all of the skills you develop will be greatly beneficial to any job you pursue even if you decide consultancy isn’t your thing.
So JOIN! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.